Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year!! 2014!!

New Years Eve for me is a time to reflect on the year that has passed, and determined how I might go about doing things a little different in the year to come!  When I think of 2013 the first thing that comes to mind is support.  I am so very lucky to have so many wonderful friends and a fantastic family.

The first morning of 2013 I remember sitting on the couch with my husband talking about all the great things that were to come.  There were whispers of Brandon looking to leave UPS, all the fun milestones that Anna would accomplish, and I promised myself that Anna and I would make friends that we could get out and explore Atlanta with.  Looking back we did exactly what we set out to do!  Although I knew Eve from work and knew she was an awesome lady I never knew that she would be one of my dearest mommy friends that I would connect with and confide in.  Then I met Lynsey and wow I never could have imagined how much laughter she would bring into my life.  These two ladies brought me back to life, I had somehow managed to loose myself in the world of washing diapers and pumping milk.  Their little girls also brought out the best in Anna.  Anna learned to walk this year, has expanded her vocabulary to more than just MA, and is a master at her fine motor skills.  Brandon after 20 years at UPS went to work for Home Depot which brought us to Alabama.  When the year began we couldn't have imagined that my uncle would pass away, we would loose a very close friend unexpectedly, Brandon would beat Melanoma for a second time, and I would begin my battle against breast cancer.  We did it all together, the good and the bad, making our marriage even stronger.

Breast Cancer for five months has been my focus, I sometimes feel like I eat and breath it.  I am reminded every time I pass a mirror, I put on a bra, or do something as simple as check my calendar which is dotted with doctors appointments and chemo dates.  On August 9th, 2013 my life changed forever with one phone call.  I am reminded I have cancer frequently, but it is really a reminder to seize the moment.  Tell my friends and family I love them.  Sit in the floor Anna and pretend to eat play dough, or take the stairs one step at a time bumping my rear on each one saying boom.  Kiss my husband when he least expects it.  Throw the dogs toy until she collapses from exhaustion.  Enjoy my tea while it is hot and talk with my mom.  Breast cancer has reminded me to slow down and enjoy the little things.

I have completed 4 AC treatments and 7 Taxol treatments.  2014 leaves me with just 5 Taxol treatments and surgery most likely the last week of February.  I have had some neuropathy in both my hands and feet from my Taxol treatments, but have found that Glutamine ( THANK YOU Tara, my breast cancer bosom buddy, who suggested this to me) has helped reduce the aching and pain I was having to a third to what it was.  I no longer feel like curling up in the corner and hiding.  Side effects, treatments, and all that goes along with this seems like a blink in the grand scheme of a long life to live.

I wish you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR filled with laughter, love, and good health.  I hope you all slow down and enjoy the little moments and remember to tell your friends and family you love them.  Thank you so much for you all your prayers, good juju, happy dances, and support.  Love you all!

p.s. Thank you for all the wonderful Christmas cards I received in the mail this month, everyday was a true surprise of who might have reached out.  Nothing better than opening the mail box and finding a little note!  I am constantly reminded how wonderful and supportive people of every facet of my life are.