Saturday, November 30, 2013

3 Down 9 To Go!! Happy Thanksgiving!!

So I have let some time slip by without posting anything.  Now where to begin?  A lot has happened in the past five weeks or so.  Chemo, good news and interesting news from the doctor, company, and last but not least a little time to enjoy life.

I finished up my final AC treatment, but the red devil wasn't going out without a fight!  I came down with an infection and ran a fever for three days plus some other unmentionables.  Nothing like getting beat down and turning around to start a new weekly treatment.  I have now completed my third treatment of Taxol.  The side effects are nothing but a nusicance.  Muscle and joint pain are less than desirable, and with every treatment I take a get just a little more tired.  Still in good spirits and love waking up every morning to the sounds of Brandon and Anna playing!  Those two are something else together.

Taxol Week 1

Taxol Week 2

Taxol Week 3
When I met with my Oncologist last week,she measured my tumor which originally was around 1.8-1.6cm and is now 0.5cm.  I love progress!!  I also had a telephone consult with the Geneticist which informed me that I tested negative for all 16 known hereditary genes that cause breast cancer.  This is bitter sweet.  Sweet because it decreases Anna's chances of developing breast cancer by 50%, something to celebrate.  Bitter because we have no idea why I developed breast cancer.  Is it something I have eaten, drank, or environmental.  I was thrilled the test worked, because as easy as it sounds to sit and spit into two test tubes and fill them each almost full it is much harder than you think and nothing I want to do again any time soon.

I had a wonderful visit from my dear friend, Kate.  It was so great to visit and lounge!  Sharif even came over one night and watched a movie with us.  Not quite a complete family night, missing Sura, Mark, and Ryan!  My wonderful step-dad made it in town for Thanksgiving and so did my awesome step-brother Dan.  So happy to have them here.  This past Sunday we had an early Thanksgiving with the Danna, Mike, Nick, and Jenny.  We missed you Drew, would have made it perfect to have you here.  So sad to see them leave, but it was a great visit complete with an Anna style tea party, football, and a few good laughs.  A big thanks to them for humoring me and taking a family picture in the freezing and windy weather!
What tea party isn't complete without Texas Pete??

Anna was so proud that Papa Mike wanted some tea!

The Pre-Thanksgiving Crew
Don (Gramps) w/ Brewster, Mom (Nana) w/ Little Bear, Aunt Jenny, Nick (Uncle Nick), Dana (Grandmommy),
Mike (Papa Mike), Anna, Brandon and I.  We missed you Drew (Uncle Drew).
(Shannon thank you for my Greek Goddess hat, and Kelly thank you for my scarf!)
In the midst of everything Mom and I started decorating for Christmas, yes I know it is before Thanksgiving.  However, I am not the most energetic person so we are doing it slowly and we do this when Anna is asleep to avoid mass destruction and chaos.  We have also taken time for tea, daughter-mom talks ( I love these moments), and to smell the flowers.  Even got to watch the sun go down from the car one night, a big thanks to my mom for teaching me to appreciate the little things in life at an early age.
Thank you Heather for the perfect cup!!  I know you are all enjoying the plethera of items on my night stand.  The orange crayon is probably my favorite.  You will also find a lot of pills, a casuality of cancer, my daily devotional, doctors bills that never stop coming, and a notepad that I write everything on since my memory is shot!
 A snapshot of my life =)

It was a great sunset. Wish the lighting at been better, the leaves were really pretty before the rain and wind came.
Children really do remind you to enjoy the simple pleasures in life!
I hope that everyone is surrounded this Thanksgiving by their friends and family!  This Thanksgiving I have so much to be thankful for and this wonderful life that I have been blessed with.  I am thankful for you all and all the happiness you each have brought and bring into my life!


  1. you are so inspiring, Melissa! You and your family have been in my prayers. Hope you have an awesome Holiday season and I'll look forward to your next update:)

  2. You continue to grow in heroine status! I am so proud of you, Melissa, and I pray for you several times a day.

  3. You're so strong and I agree with Cory, so inspiring! Your positive attitude is one to envy with everything going on. I am always thinking of you and the family. Looked like you had a great holiday, your daughter is beautiful and so are you :) Stay strong and amazing! xo
